Saturday, January 31, 2009

All together

Christmas 2008. The last time we were all together as a family. From now on my Dad will be missing. It was a beautiful ceremony today. We said farewell in a warm and loving way, the way my dad was. Kerstmis 2008. De laatste keer dat we allemaal samen waren. Vanaf nu is mijn vader er niet meer bij. Het was een mooie uitvaart. Liefdevol en warm, zoals mijn vader was.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Number 9 / Rainbow colors

My ATC for number 9. This is my favorite one so far. Some use silver or pearl colors for nine but I always use rainbow colors. Number 9 stands for Universal Love, so I dedicate this rainbow to my Dad! 

  Mijn ATC voor nummer 9. Deze is van alle nummer ATC´s mijn favoriet! Die regenboog doet wat met me! Sommigen gebruiken voor het getal 9 zilver of parelmoerkleuren. Ik gebruik bijna altijd regenboogkleuren. Nummer 9 staat voor naasten- en universele liefde, dus draag ik deze regenboog op aan mijn vader. 
Dazzling image of a full-circle rainbow (A Rainbow mandala, well how cool is that!!!) So where, you might wonder, would you find the crock of gold? That's what the myth says you will discover at the end of the rainbow. But sadly for treasure-hunters, this one has no end. It is a perfect circle. This awesome sight in the skies over Malaysia yesterday wasn't really a rainbow at all but a rare optical illusion called a sundog. Scroll down for more...
Rare: a full-circle rainbow in Malaysia These appear when the sun is low in the sky and its rays catch the thin vapour formed of ice crystals which lies in the atmosphere six miles above the Earth's surface. The rays are refracted by the crystals to produce what looks like a halo round the sun. Sometimes, as here, they display a spectrum of colours from red closest to the sun to a pale blue furthest from it, which has led to them being mistaken for full circle rainbows. In centuries past, they were thought of as signs of ill omen. These days they are most often mistaken for UFOs. Source and picture Mail Online I have been either very busy or very tired these last 2 days. But I have read all your sweet comments! Each and everyone of them is highly appreciated and I am happy to have so many sweet people thinking of me and my family! I have been visiting all your blogs , but had no energy or time to comment, which I will try later.I did comment to a few but it is too much for one evening. I saw some very sweet posts! I will try to pick up everything again next week. Tonight I wrote 2 speeches one for my Swedish family and one in Dutch. Bought clothes for my Mom and myself. Went to the hairdresser with Felix so we both are as new again...... Tomorrow morning I will get up at 5 and will collect Anna from Schiphol. Anna is my niece (read sister) from Sweden. My aunt Ulla and her daughter Eva (Anna`s twin sister)will come one day later. Unfortunately My Uncle Eskil can not come because of his health. Then we will go to Per to deliver some music , to collect my uniform which I forgot last week. Then we will bring my Mom´s clothes to her home and we will feed the kitties. We will visit Mom, who is still in a temporary rehab centre. So a full schedule again. The ceremony for my Dad will be on Saturday in Rotterdam. I really hope I can do my speeches without any tears. Impossible, but I hope I will be strong enough to pay my Dad the honor he deserves.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Dad

Mom and Dad in better days! My Dad died this morning at 8.50. He was a good husband, a loving Dad, the most wonderful granddad ever! An upright person! He was outstanding in his work and I know because when I was 18 we worked together, sailing on a tankership from Antwerp to the Persian Gulf and back. He as Chief Engineer and I as a messman. With his fragile health he took care of my mom, who had a stroke last year. He was a man who didn't complain. Of course he had his minor points , but who hasn't? He will be missed dearly! And always be remembered in a loving way! Thanks dad for everything. Mijn vader is vanmorgen om 8.50 gestorven. Hij was een goede echtgenoot, een liefhebbende vader en de meest fantastische Opa die je je maar kunt voorstellen! Een integer mens! Ook in zijn werk en ik kan het weten want ik ben zijn collega geweest. Ik heb met hem van Antwerpen naar de Persische Golf gevaren en terug op een mammoettanker. Hij als Chief Engineer en ik als messman. Met zijn broze gezondheid heeft het laatste 1/2 jaar voor mijn moeder gezorgd, die vorig jaar een beroerte heeft gehad. Het was een man die niet veel klaagde. Natuurlijk had hij ook zijn minder goede eigenschappen, net als iedereen. We zullen hem erg missen! En hij zal altijd op een liefdevolle manier herinnerd worden. Dank je Pa voor alles!


This morning we were called by the hospital again that my dad was doing very bad. We all have been here all day. Now a few have gone home to get some sleep. Only my brother and I are here and taking turns to watch over him. I went to his home to get some things and others fetch a book I brought my laptop to keep me awake. I was surprised there was a public wireless internet here. They say he will die, but he is still fighting, so as long as he doesn't give up we won't either. He has morphine and hasn't been conscious all day. Thank you all for your wishes and prayers. It feels really good. I won't be able to blog much but I will as soon as things slow down again. It is good to know that you all are thinking about us! thanks A big hug from me!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Cactus Monday (#20)

Last Monday, when I was in Rotterdam taking care of my mother, my friend Marja came to visit us. She was the daughter of our neighbours 44 years ago. We have remained friends ever since! She came for coffee and brought me this present! And wished me a Happy Cactus Monday! Well how cool is that!? And isn´t the cactus lovely? And the flowerpot! Gorgeous! Please visit Marja's blog and admire the baby she brought home last Saturday! Vorige week maandag, toen ik in Rotterdam was om voor mijn moeder te zorgen, kwam mijn vriendin Marja langs voor de koffie. Mijn moeder kent haar ook want ze was ons buurmeisje 44 jaar geleden en we zijn altijd vriendinnen gebleven! Ze kwam met dit cadeau en wenste me een Happy Cactus Monday! Is dat niet geweldig! De cactus is geweldig mooi en die pot,is het geen plaatje?! Je moet even opMarja's blog kijken om haar nieuwe mooie kind te bewonderen, die ze afgelopen zaterdag heeft gekregen! Oh no Sjimmie that´s a bad idea! Auch! Oh nee Sjimmie dat lijkt me geen goed plan! Auw! You better stay friends with this one! Hier kun je maar beter vrienden mee blijven! Update: Day 3 of the 5 day stand-by I am spending in Rotterdam. We took Mom out of the center, where she is staying, for the weekend and because I wasn't called for a flight I took care of her for 2 days. We took her back yesterday evening. Now I am in my brothers house and I have internet again. We visited Dad yesterday and we were not happy with the way he was. According to my brother he was much better Friday evening. I will visit him later this morning to see if he is any better. He is still very fragile, recovering with fall backs. Happy Cactus Monday!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Number 8 / Redviolet

My ATC for number 8, violet. Since the rainbow has only 7 colors I use for number 8 a violet which has more red in it. . I find violet a hard color to paint with, I have no idea why. But I do like the color, not as much as purple. Mijn ATC voor nummer 8, violet. De regenboog heeft maar 7 kleuren dus neem ik voor 8 violet. In het engels wordt violet ook voor paars gebruikt , maar ik vind dat er een verschil is tussen violet en paars, paars neigt meer naar het blauwe en violet naar het rood. Ik vind het een moeilijke kleur om mee te schilderen, heb geen idee waarom, paars vind ik gemakkelijker en ligt me beter. When violet is your favorite color you are an understanding and supportive person, and tend to think of others before yourself. You are a deep thinker and benefit from meditation. Since you are quick to lend a hand, others often go to you for help. Peaceful and loving, you have a tranquil spirit. Als violet je leivelingskleur is: Violet symboliseert wijsheid en geestelijke verheffing Violet wordt bijvoorbeeld vaak gebruikt in de rituelen van de katholieke kerk. Mensen met een verheven blik kiezen vanzelf voor violet. Maar deze kleur staat ook voor chaos en wereldvreemdheid. Omdat violet eerst en vooral de kleur is van de geestelijke activiteit, is het raadzaam haar vooral op dit vlak aan te wenden. Prima vibratie dus als voorbereiding tot meditatie, geestelijke oefeningen en filosofische studie. (lijkt allemaal wel erg op paars....) In numerology number 8 stands for executive ability, management, power, materiality, unscrupulousness. In de nummerologie is acht is het getal van de praktisch denkende organisator die goed is in zaken! De mensen met dit getal werken zowel op stoffelijk als spiritueel gebied altijd hard en intensief. Kleur bekennen Number 8

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pink ATC´s

Starfish lotusrays seaspiral octo gold marble seaweed spots outside I did this pink series of ATC´s. The starfish is my favorite. And yours?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Number 7 / Purple Violet

ATC for number 7. I just love purple! And love to work with it! I love all shades between purple and red. Seven is the number of spirituality, mental analysis, wisdom, fault finding and suppression ATC voor nummer 7. Ik ben gek op paars! En ik vind het heerlijk om met die kleur te werken. Alles tussen paars en rood vind ik mooi! Zeven wordt als een spiritueel getal gezien en staat voor de dagen van de week, de kleuren van de regenboog en de tonen van de toonladder. Purple embodies the balance of red simulation and blue calm. This dichotomy can cause unrest or uneasiness unless the undertone is clearly defined at which point the purple takes on the characteristics of its undertone. A sense of mystic and royal qualities, purple is a color often well liked by very creative or eccentric types. How the color purple effects us mentally and physically * Uplifting * Calming to mind and nerves * Offers a sense of spirituality * Encourages creativity When Purple is your favorite color You are creative, powerful, and influential. You are talented, and highly imaginative. You have a deep sensitivity and are very spiritual. You look to find the meaning in life. Others are attracted to your mystical qualities. You have a creative spirit. Paars is de kleur van transformatie, spiritualiteit en inspiratie. Ook staat het symbool voor magie en mystiek. Liefhebbers van paars zijn vaak zeer gevoelige mensen, die vinden dat ze niet bij de massa horen. ( I found this image on the internet, couldn´t find the artist. It is not mine) Purple/violet is associated with the number 7 and the Crown Chakra, Sanskrit name Sahasrara Description: Golden violet with 12 golden petals in the center surrounded by 960 violet petals for a total 972, but it is referred to as the thousand petal lotus. Location: Top of the head Purpose and Activity: One’s connection to the divine, as one sees it. Symbolizes detachment from illusion as well as one’s purpose and destiny. 7de of Kruinchakra De Sanskriet naam: Sahasrara De betekenis: Duizendvorm Verzorgt de energie voor de hersenen en schedel. Via dit energiecentrum heb je contact met de kosmos en dus met de daarin aanwezige universele energie en waarheden. Met een goede energie toevoer vanaf deze chakra sta je open voor wijsheden, waarheid en één zijn met de wereld. Je kunt onbevooroordeeld en bewust kijken naar jezelf en de wereld om je heen. More purple 7e chakra Marlies Creative Universe

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Gifts / Update

These are the surprises I told you about 2 days ago!
Sjimmie:Hey what is this.......... A beautiful mug!
Now I have a real Teri Mug!
Sjimmie:Oh no..........Rooibos tea! Too hot and spicy for me
The wonderful mug came with this beautiful mandala magnet! Thanks a million Teri! They came in a moment I could need a smile! If you could see me it is from ear to ear! I love the mug and the chosen design is so Teri! All Painted Daisies!The leaf mandala was one of my favorite watercolors! You can take a closer and better look at her Zazzle Store Later that afternoon I got another surprise! These wonderful watercolors of Droppie and Koekie! Handpainted by the talented Lisa of Artsy Endeavors Thanks so much Lisa! You have made me very happy! Don´t you think they are exactly alike!? I will frame these! I'm not going to Nairobi tomorrow. Yesterday my father was transferred to th IC unit again. We spent a few hours there and later I spent the the night at my brother's. This morning I visited my father who was doing better but he was very confused and restless. Completely exhausted but still trying to stay awake (I think I would be the same, afraid to go to sleep and let go). I drove home and I slept the whole day, untill 14.30! Just a few minutes ago I got a textmessage from my brother that he has been moved to the normal ward and he is stable for the moment. I will call work tomorrow to see what I will do. Ik ga niet naar Nairobi morgen. Gisteren werden we gebeld dat Pa weer naar de IC was gebracht. Hij had het benauwd, vocht achter zijn hart en longen. Vanmorgen voordat ik naar huis ben gereden ben ik nog even bij hem langs gegaan. Hij was beter , maar erg onrustig en verward. Arme man...... Doodop en toch niet willen slapen. Ik begrijp dat ik denk dat ik dat ook zou hebben, bang dat je misschien niet meer wakker wordt, er bij willen blijven. Ik heb de hele dag geslapen, tot 14.30! ik heb net een SMS gekregen dat hij terug naar de afdeling is gegaan. Zijn toestand is weer stabiel. Morgen bel ik mijn werk en kijken wat ik er gaat gebeuren.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Soulbrush interviewed me!

1.) What is it about mandalas that fascinates you so much? I like the sense of harmony when creating a mandala. And the limitation of the circle. Before I sometimes had a piece of paper in front of me and the possibilities were endless, it just made me indecisive. Somehow it didn´t let my creativity flow. I got stuck in all the paths which were open for me. Once I knew what to draw or paint it was ok. When I started with mandalas I liked the fact that birth numbers were connected with colors, so I didn´t have to pick them myself. I was forced to work with colors I didn´t like or prefer. The most unexpected things occur on paper! Meanwhile I learned to appreciate all colors. I let myself be lead by intuition and faith that it will all turn out just right. I have found my own style and I love the fact that there is always an animal in my (birth) mandalas. During the process of creating the mandala I learn a lot myself. I learned that there is no animal on this planet which isn´t interesting, once I know which animal to paint I search the internet and find the most amazing details about it. The same About colors and symbols. It is a feeling of diving into something or someone. This taught me too that every human being is beautiful , since a birth mandala unfolds the blueprint of one’s soul. Mandalas teach me how to be patient, or at least try and they quiet me down, especially my mind. After 8 years of painting mandalas I am still fascinated and I don´t want to stop yet. There is still so much to learn. In the beginning I thought it would be a temporary thing but now I think I am hooked for life. I have the feeling this is my “thing”, . 2.) When is your birthday and how do you usually celebrate it? I was born on the fourth of July (1961). I don’t like to celebrate my own birthday. When I am at home I try to go out for the whole day and do something nice with my husband and kids. Afterward my kids always say: 'Mom, that was a great party!' Last year I celebrated my birthday at home and I went to fetch my parents, to do them a favor. In the evening some friends came over and we sat outside in the garden and had a nice time. I have no idea why I don’t want to celebrate: I think you have to celebrate life, but you can do that every day. 3.) Have you always had Shi Tsus and what do you like most about this breed? I worked at a shelter when I did my study for shelter and animal kennel management. (I did beside flying). Later the manager, Corrie, asked me if I wanted to help her out with shaving and cutting some neglected animals who had been removed from their owners. Of course I said yes , I will never say no to an animal who needs my help. So I went to the shelter And had to do 2 animals. I started with an Afghan, and that took me all day. The second dog was a Shih Tzu. I decided to take her home and trim her there and bring her back the next day. I started cutting and washing her but it was an enormous job! Friends came over and I had to stop. At that time we had 6 cats (adopted from my work in the shelters as a volunteer) The friends who came that night had a nervous dog with them and all the cats were stressed and ran away. The dog lay on top of the couch and looked at me like: 'You see how well-behaved I am. I would never do anything like this dog is doing.' The friend said: 'this dog is no trouble at all. You can have 10 of these.' And my husband agreed .'Well then, we can keep just this one can’t we?' I asked. That was the moment we decided to keep her. Next day I took her to a dog parlour to have her cut. The day after we went to Antwerp because my husband told me he had seen the most beautiful leash there. On our way back we went to visit the shelter to show Corrie how beautiful she was and to tell her that we would keep her. We parked the car and the happy dog heard where we were (she was nearly blind in both eyes) and her wagging tail just dropped. She thought we were going to take her back….. She looked at us in despair. Corrie was also startled when she saw us: 'Oh no ………you are returning her?'. We told her and Snorkel (that’s what we named our Shih Tzu) not to worry. (Corrie knew that we would keep her when I took her home, she told me later) After she died 8 happy years later (she was about 8 when we got her) I wanted a pug (I just love them) , but my husband convinced me Shih Tzu’s were the best. And they are such happy, friendly and gentle dogs! Snorkel was for sure the most wonderful dog I have ever had, I still miss her. 4.) Has blogging changed your life in any way?? It sure has! It is addicting! I have met so many nice friends, warm and inspiring people! Every morning I start with coffee and blogging. I learn a lot from other bloggers, enjoy the eye candy they present me with or the wise words. There is always someone who makes me laugh. I am inspired and encouraged . I love my circle of blogfriends! 5.) Are you a good cook and what is your favourite food and drink? It is certainly not my hobby! But I can make a few yummy dishes and no one ever complains . My favourite foods: I love Asian ,Lebanese & Italian food Pizza, fries, fried rice, fastfood (love Mc Donalds), sateh with peanut sauce oh my g…… In short, everything that is bad and fattening . But I started a low carb diet this month and lost 3 kilos (6 lbs) so far ! No more fries, bread , sweets etc. I am very determined to persevere. And I feel good. After the diet I hope to sustain a more healthy lifestyle. My favorite drinks? Wine! And since I can’t drink that all day water, I just love Spa Reine! I drink a lot of that, I am very particular in my brand of water.I don’t drink tap water. And I love fresh orange juice (but I am allowed just one fresh orange a day for now) If anyone would like me to interview you with five questions just leave a comment saying "Interview me." Here's the instructions: 1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me". 2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to pick the questions). 3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions. 4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post. 5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. Thanks Soulbrush from this interview! It was fun! And thanks for your help as well. More Interviews: Soulbrush Kim Suki Patti Lolo Are there more interviews? Let me know and I will add the link

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I´m back home! Been on a kind of emotional rollercoaster. Took care of my mom. We were called twice to the hostipal because my dad was so bad, one time to the IC unit. We thought he was going to die twice, but today his condition is stable, he was sleeping while this night he was struggling. He had pneumonia, high fever short of breath and dozens of other things . He is 80 and very weak, he has a heartcondition ,COPD, etc. The doctors told us they were not going to intubate him or do CPR when something would happen. Yesterday My SIL and I brought my mother to a rehab centre, which felt like I betrayed her.The whole time I was making telephone calls and visits. My son Lars got ill as well today, no mother to care care of him. So this afternoon after a visit to dad who was finally sleeping and not suffering anymore and my mom who did remarkably well in the centre I drove home. More emotions home: a surprise from a very dear friend! (I´ll show you later), I also got a wonderful gift from my friend Marja which I will show you next Monday! And the inauguration of Barack Obama! These things filled me with love, joy and hope! Very moving! And last but not least all your wonderful comments on my last 2 posts with all your wishes and prayers! Not only did I come home here but my blogging family was there as well to welcome me with all their heartwarming wishes! Thanks so much! I have no idea what will happen now....... I didn´t go to Dar Es Salaam as I was called to the IC 2 hours before the alarm clock went off. Tomorrow I have to call work see what is going to happen. Hope I won´t get any phone calls this night. I´m sooooo tired I´ll go to bed early. Tomorrow I will try to visit you all (and catch up again) and respond to some things beside taking care of little Lars. But right now I just want to sleep (in my own bed....) My father Lars with his grandson (my son) Lars.

Monday, January 19, 2009

cactus Monday (#19)

(prepost of cactus ATC) Happy Cactus Monday!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


(Groene ATC) I have to go to Rotterdam today. My father is admitted in a hospital yesterday and my brother spent the night at my mothers. Now it´s my turn to take care of Mom, she can´t be alone. I have no idea when I can come back and Tuesday I have to go to Dar Es Salaam. Hope to see you all soon.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


When I came home Wednesday a couple of surprises were waiting for me! Beside the rainnbow in my room an envelope from Margaret (from Water Blossoms), who´s work I greatly admire! We did a Moocard swap. And there were all kinds of extra´s inside! Such as this handmade card which I will frame. Wonderful cards!!!!! And Stickers!!!!! Thanks Margaret! What great gifts! This wonderful piece of art I received from Yoon See (from Greener Pasture)! It was one of my favorites on her blog! How did she know? And the calender she designed for her Church. I´m going to use it as a bookmark. Thanks Yoon See! You have made me happy!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Zendala ATC

Just a quick post, I`ll be away the whole day. Have to go to The Hague for a new passport and to Rotterdam to visit my parents. Teri inspired me to do a zendala, she is a master in this! Margaret as well! If you did any zentangles or zendalas please tell me in your comment I will add you link here. Admire other zentangles/zendalas: Lisa Have a zendala day!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Number 6 / Indigo

ATC for number 6 Indigo is the color of the deep midnight sky. It can have a negative effect when used during a depressed state, because it will deepen the mood. Indigo symbolizes a mystical borderland of wisdom, self-mastery and spiritual realization. While blue is the color of communication with others, indigo turns the blue inward, to increase personal thought, profound insights, and instant understandings. While blue can be fast, Indigo is almost instantaneous. Inventors use indigo skills for inspirations that seem to 'come out of the blue'. Put some indigo in your life when you want: to focus on personal issues to develop intuition to step outside of everyday life for a new and interesting way of viewing a problem solitude and inner communication Indigo staat symbool voor mystiek,spirituele krachten en universeel bewustzijn. Deze kleur maakt ons ontvankelijk voor diepere inzichten, het weten van de zin achter de dingen. Het geeft ons concentratie op dat wat wezenlijk is. Het is de kleur van bestendigheid en diepte. The Brow Chakra is associated with the color indigo. It is also often referred to as the "third eye" or the "mind center." It is our avenue to wisdom - learning from our experiences and putting them in perspective. Our ability to separate reality from fantasy or delusions is in connection with the healthfulness of this chakra. Achieving the art of detachment beyond "small mindedness" is accomplished through developing impersonal intuitive reasoning. It is through an open brow chakra that visual images are received. Nummer 6 en indigo horen bij het derde oog chakra "Ajna" Het voorhoofdchakra zorgt voor een verbinding met de geestelijk wereld en opent de poorten naar intuitieve kennis. In dit chakra kan men het vermogen om telepathisch te communiceren ontwikkelen. Een ander aspect is zelfkennis. Een verstoring van dit chakra uit zich meestal op geestelijk- en zielsniveau, bijvoorbeeld angst, een gevoel van zinloosheid en doelloosheid en concentratieproblemen. De symptonen op fysiek niveau zijn hoofdpijn, migraine en ziekten van de zintuigen. Een overactief voorhoofdchakra kan waanvoorstellingen en schizofrenie tot gevolg hebben. Het voorhoofdchakra is gezeteld tussen de wenkbrauwen, midden op het voorhoofd en levert energie aan alle endocriene klieren. Indigo and violet are different from purple, which cannot be seen on the electromagnetic spectrum but can be achieved by mixing mostly blue and part red light. I find mixing indigo difficult but I like the process. I have not found a ready indigo blue acrylic yet. Just before I left I bought a rainbow maker! Isn´t that cool! It arrived when I was away, so home was waiting a few wonderful and colorful surprises.......(more about the other surprises later) Rainbow in my room projects a rainbow on your wall. Indigo is between blue and purple, the 6th color of the rainbow. Net voor ik vertrok had ik een Rainbow in my Room besteld. Eigenlijk voor kinderen, maar we vinden hem allemaal leuk hier in huis! Hij wachtte op me bij thuiskomst samen met wat andere verassingen (meer daarover later). rainbow in my room projecteert een regenboog op je muur of plafond. indigo is ook de zesde kleur van de regenboog, tussen blauw en paars. Have a Rainbow Day!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


This mandala (9 1/2 x 12 1/2") I made in Tehran. It was snowing! I didn´t feel like going out so I created this mandala and made some ATC cards. (How many should I have before I can throw myself in the trading arena?) Had a good time with the crew there, but I´m glad to be back home again. Had a tough flight back with a lady who simulated a stomach bleeding, a friendly Iranian doctor spend 3 hours of his precious time on her. Once on the ground and when the ambulance employees showed up she was miraculously recovered and she turned around her story. What people do to get a seat in the business class........ I felt so betrayed. I had to sleep in my car on my way home. I have just slept on the couch and I feel a bit better. Tomorrow I will be as new again. The Cactus Monday post was a remote one, I programmed it in blogger and it worked! It showed up on Monday! But I couldn´t visit my fellow cactuteers to wish them all a Happy Cactus Monday, as I had no internet in Tehran, but I will soon. I will have a lot of catching up to do..... I will resume my color ATC posts later this week. Read all your lovely comments and took a peek at your blogs, will be back tomorrow to scroll through everything I missed. Missed you all! Deze mandala (24 x 32 cm)heb ik in Teheran gemaakt. Het sneeuwde daar en ik had weinig zin om naar buiten te gaan dus ik heb lekker geschilderd en ATC´s gemaakt. (Hoeveel moet ik er eigenlijk hebben voordat ik me in het ruil strijdperk kan gooien?) We hadden een leuke crew en dat maakt het verblijf daar een stuk aangenamer. Maar ik ben blij dat ik weer thuis ben. Het was een zware terug vlucht met een vrouw die een maagbloeding simuleerde, een aardige Iraanse dokter is er uren mee zoet geweest en ik ook. Uiteindelijk werd ze op Schiphol door ambulance personeel verwelkomd en toen waren de klachten als sneeuw voor de zon verdwenen en verdraaide ze haar hele verhaal. Wat sommige mensen wel niet doen voor aandacht en een stoel in de Business Class.......Ik voelde me echt in de maling genomen.Niet alleen aan boord had ik er mijn handen aan vol , maar eenmaal op Schiphol had ik ook nog een administratieve rompslomp waardoor ik pas een uur later in de auto zat en in allerlei files terecht kwam. Ik heb zelfs op een parkeerplaats geslapen, want ik trok het niet in één keer naar huis. Vanmiddag geslapen en morgen hoop ik weer helemaal fit te zijn. De cactus maandag post had ik in blogger geprogrammeerd en het is gelukt! Alleen kon ik maandag niet jullie blogs bezoeken om jullie posts te zien en jullie Happy Cactus Monday te wensen, maar dat doe ik gauw. Ik moet weer een hoop inhalen. Ik zal mijn nummer ATC´s van de week hervatten. Heb al jullie lieve reacties gelezen en alvast even gekeken op jullie blogs, maar morgen doe ik het op mijn gemak. Heb het bloggen en jullie gemist!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Cactus Monday ATC

Happy Cactus Monday!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


(The view from my upstairs window before I left yesterday) Still in Rotterdam with my friend Aulikki. It's so good to see her again and I really hope they leave me alone today so we can catch up a little more. My shift ends at 15.30, when I'm still here I will do some shopping and make dinner tonight. It's still freezing here and the whole country,except me, is ice skating. Yesterday, when I drove to Rotterdam the landscape was breathtaking beautiful! There was rime everywhere. It was so beautiful that I felt very emotional. I enjoyed my ride. Nog steeds in Rotterdam bij mijn vriendin Aulikki. Heerlijk om haar weer te zien en ik hoop dat ze me vandaag met rust laten zodat we nog een beetje kunnen bijpraten. Mijn dienst zit er om 15.30 op, dan ga ik boodschappen doen en vanavond koken voor Aulikki. Het vriest nog steeds en het hele land is aan t schaatsen (ik niet). Gisteren toen ik naar Rotterdam reed was het zo sprookjesachtig mooi onderweg, daar kon ik helaas geen foto's van maken. Boven een foto s'morgens genomen, maar die is niets vergeleken bij wat ik later zag. Het was zo mooi , dat het me gewoon ontroerde! (Aulikki's Mandala, I have painted for her a few years ago) PS: I have been called and I will travel to Tehran tomorrow. So I won't be able to blog untill Wednesday. I'm going to make dinner now. See you later and Wednesday I will visit you all! Thanks for all your lovely comments!